Thursday, September 10, 2009

We're glad to see so many of you returning to your garden activities now that the weather has cooled ever so slightly. We've gotten some new plants to inspire. For those of you looking for some unique mixed containers or hanging baskets, try combining Diamond Frost Euphorbia, Coral Red Trailing Verbena, and purple Sweet Potato Vine. This sunny combo would also be gorgeous spilling out of a window box. Snap Dragons will be in tomorrow, and they are perfect for those looking to put something in that will last all through the Winter. Mix with Ponytail Ferns for a cold-hardy container.

One of the most underused categories of plants is grasses. They are perfect for accenting containers and beds, but grasses can also be used without any flowers at all for a stunning display. They offer structure, drama, and low maintenance. Simply add some slow-release nitrogen like blood meal in the soil and groom occasionally to keep them looking their best.

Shrubs and trees can be put in now. Many of you are working on privacy screens. This can be so much more interesting than a line of plants. Let us help you select plants of various textures and sizes that compliment each other. We can also suggest soil amendments to help them get established faster.

There have been a lot of bug questions lately, and we're always happy to educate people on responsible pest management. One of the most interesting came from a gentleman struggling with caterpillars on his Cabbage Palm. After a bit of searching, I learned that it was the Palm Skeletonizer, Homaledra sabalella. Most sites suggest Dipel Dust or Carbaryl on this stubborn pest. Dipel is a biological control and has the advantage of only killing caterpillars.

Got some news to share? Let us know what's happening in your yard? Email us photos to share on our blog at

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